15 Sep
New Launch of ViPrimePLUS Zika Virus RT-qPCR Kit
Recently, Southeast Asian countries were threatened by Zika virus with several Southeast Asian nations have raised their respective alerts against the possible outbreak of the Zika virus. The alerts were issued after new cases of Zika virus infections were reported in Singapore, Malaysia and the Philippines. Health xperts have warned that Asia could the next… Continue reading
12 Sep
RQC to Establish Global Halal Academy
Rquest Convergent Sdn Bhd (RQC) is in proposition to collaborate with Halal Talk to form Global Halal Academy, a certified Halal training academy “We are very pleased to announce the formation of Rquest Convergent (RQC) which opens up door for us to involve in industrial services and consultation. I’m equally excited to see the… Continue reading
01 Aug
Global Haltech is Formed to Eye on Global Halal Markets
Revongen is pleased to announce the establishment of Global Haltech as the holding company of three Halal business entities under Revongen – Halvec Laboratories Sdn Bhd, 7FoodPillars Sdn Bhd and Halsycon Resources Sdn Bhd. The newly-formed Global Haltech is aimed to facilitate maintenance of Halal ecosystem and drive sustainable development of global Halal economy… Continue reading